BattlePub Presents: BarFight GT


Add your registation details below. Each individual attending must purchase a ticket and fill out the required information.

BattlePub's First Home Hosted GT is Underway! 50 AOS and 50 40k Players will go head to head in our first BarFight GT! Points for 40k and AOS Wins will be reported back through BCP. 

Tickets include: Weekend Registration, Catered Lunch for players both Saturday and Sunday, Player Swag, and Prize support from our friends! 

All Registered players will be emailed an event packet with schedule to ensure that all the rules and information is handed out prior to the event to give all players time to plan. **Please ensure that BattlePub Management has your correct email**. 

As always BattlePub is a no print, no proxy establishment. We 
utilize the 90 / 10 Rule, 90% of model is original GW plastic or resin, 10% can be allocated to extra bits such as greeblies, weapons, attachments, shoulder pads, banners, etc.