Warmachine: Khador vs Cygnar Two Player Starter Set


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The perfect way to introduce new players to Warmachine is here. This two player starter set features a fighting force from two core factions in the game, allowing players to buy one prduct and start playing with a friend immediately. Players will feel the excitement of Warmachine's fast-paced, tactical warfare by playing this set, built around an epic showdown between Cygnar and Khador. This all-in-one package includes several beautifully detailed miniatures for each faction. Khador's models include the leader model Kapitan Zahara Vilkul, backed up by Sergeant Goran Lazarenko, the Jackel, a three model unit called The Hounds, and Razor, a character warjack built for destruction. The Cygnar player controls Major Allister Caine, a clssic, returning leader character from the setting, along with the Deuce, character warjack, Captain Bastian Falk, character solo, and a character unit: The Black 13th. With endless opportunities for expansion, the Two-Player Starter Set is a perfect gateway into Warmachine's world of unforgettable battles and immersive storytelling